A Few Tips for Bodybuilding Contest Preparation on Nutrition and Supplementation

Bodybuilding is becoming increasingly popular. Bodybuilding contest preparation involves thorough cutbacks in body fat while preserving muscle mass. This is usually accomplished through reduced caloric consumption, concentrated strength training, and augmented cardiovascular exercise. Competitors switch to a nutritional plan to prepare for a contest.


In a bodybuilding contest, athletes are assessed on muscle size, conditioning or manifestation of low body fat, and symmetry or muscular proportions. Bodybuilders use strict nutritional and training regimes in the months before the competition to get the preferred physique. Here we throw some light on nutrition and supplementation for bodybuilding contest preparation.

contest preparation

The week before the competition, bodybuilders also use tapering schemes to hone the body to make the most of their contest day aesthetics. Recognized as “peaking”, these schemes involve the management of macronutrients, electrolytes, water, and exercise. 

The chief objectives of peaking are:

  1. To enhance muscle richness by increasing muscle glycogen content
  2. To develop a dry or hard look by diminishing subcutaneous water, and lastly.
  3. To exploit the V-taper by reducing abdominal bloating.

Bodybuilders use peaking schemes to perfect their aesthetics for competition day. So, witnessing the peaking schemes exploited by competitive bodybuilders would be significant to bodybuilding people. This article describes peaking schemes that are expected to be important to bodybuilders and coaches looking to increase their perception of the pre-competition phase.


A Nutrition Guide for Bodybuilding Contest Preparation

Competitive natural bodybuilding is increasing in popularity but lacks sufficient scientific research. We have shed some light on the enormously significant competition preparation phase for nutrition and supplementation. When you switch to a diet targeting bodybuilding, it's important to stick to a plan that doesn’t cut you off on the daily nutritional requirements. Hence, it's important to intake the right amount of calories and additional nutrient that makes your diet complete.


Caloric Consumption

Normally, contest preparation pursues at least a 2 to 4-month diet plan. The main targets are reducing fat and growing muscle size before reaching the stage. Each one starts at dissimilar body fat percent and muscle size. It is important to be able to precisely balance the macronutrients exclusive to the varying requirements of the partaker through the training process. This is where it turns out to be complicated because of a dearth of research on natural bodybuilders.


To lose weight too quickly can result in loss of lean body mass (LBM) and strength. What has appeared a cut above for keeping LBM is a slow loss of .5kg or 1.1lbs a week, equivalent to about a 500-calorie deficit per day.


This indicates a competitor who is more than the recommended weight and body fat would need quick weight loss approaches and risk losing lean body mass (LBM). Sufficient time should be allocated to prepare for the competition. This helps avoid forceful weight loss methods associated with reduced LBM. Moreover, the program duration must be exclusive to each competitor's body type.


Concise diet periods are required for thinner partakers than those with elevated body fat percentages. For instance, A 12-week investigation of male bodybuilders exposed substantial weight loss during the final 3 weeks of contest preparation. This caused a loss of lean body mass (LBM).


comp prep coach WBFF


A bodybuilding meal plan is one of the most significant parts of contest preparation, and with that appears a healthy meal preparation. Even though there is no one ‘right’ method to diet to lose body fat, a typical competitor should stick to a nutrition plan of high protein, moderate to low carb, and moderate fat. In the final few weeks, most competitors reduce carbohydrates as this regularly brings about the optimal physique conduction for stage day. If weight loss is desired, quicker loss at the beginning and slower weight loss during the end of the contest preparation phase will help keep lean body mass.


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